Lake Ogemaw Lot Assessments and Association Information
According to the By-Laws, membership dues are to be paid by the 1st of July and are $210.00 per lot (even if you have combined for property taxes). NOTE: $185.00 is the lot assessment and $25.00 is for the dam/spillway which expires in 2030.
Fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th of the following year. Dues are mandatory.
After August 1st, a 10% late fee is place for each lot which equals $18.50 per lot.
Property liens are placed with the Register of Deeds in Ogemaw County if no payment is received by the 30th of September. A fee of $100.00 is added to the membership assessment and must be paid in full prior to the release of the lien.
Only members in good standing can participate in the annual dock lottery, receive a boat launch key and membership card.
The association office accepts check, money orders, and cash when paying for membership dues, garments, tickets and so on.
All members of the association are required to provide their current mailing address, phone number(s), number of lots owned and email if desired.
Fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th of the following year. Dues are mandatory.
After August 1st, a 10% late fee is place for each lot which equals $18.50 per lot.
Property liens are placed with the Register of Deeds in Ogemaw County if no payment is received by the 30th of September. A fee of $100.00 is added to the membership assessment and must be paid in full prior to the release of the lien.
Only members in good standing can participate in the annual dock lottery, receive a boat launch key and membership card.
The association office accepts check, money orders, and cash when paying for membership dues, garments, tickets and so on.
All members of the association are required to provide their current mailing address, phone number(s), number of lots owned and email if desired.